Friday, November 25, 2011

My Odd Thanksgiving

What a Thanksgiving! I visited with family, ate way too much, had amazing sex with my wonder Daddy Dom and watched WallE!
Then we got a text asking us where we were...
There was a party that a few people were supposed to invite us to but all assumed someone else had >.<
The local strip club, Fuzzy Holes, which we love. (see the website and visit the club to find out why ^_^)

It was a Thanksgiving/Black Friday party for the strippers and friends. We're friends of the owner, Anita, and the DJ, Lee. Sir Phryxus used to work there as a bouncer back in the day.
Sir's cousins were also there (but for the sake of privacy can I just call them Jason and Nora). They are regulars to the Hole and sort of kinksters as well (in a light way).

We played Kings - Hell House rules...I'll try and explain the rules as I remember:
Shuffle a deck of cards and leave them splayed out among the players. Each person picks a card and it goes on until all the cards are done.

Joker - you get to pick someone in the group to be your slave and they must do whatever you like until the game is over
King - guys drink
Queen - girls drink
Joker - truth or dare
10 - take 2 drinks
9 - Play You Drink (point at someone and say "You Drink" and they drink)
8 - Make a Rule (ex. Everyone must bless themselves before they drink, if they do not they must then bless themselves and take a second drink)
7 - Nose game (the last person who touches their nose has to take a drink)
6 - Never have I ever (everyone holds out 3 fingers and starting with the person who draws the card they say never have I ever (done something) and those who have done it must put down a finger. Person with no fingers left first must take a drink)
5 - Hands down (last person to put hands on the table takes a drink)
4 - Hands up (last person with hands up takes a drink)
3 - Catagories (ask a multiple choice question and it goes around where everyone must give an answer. If they take too long or don't have an answer, then that person must take a drink)
2 - take a drink
Ace - Everybody drinks

I might have gotten a few of those mixed up but whatever. Have fun.

By the end of the night, Sir was teaching Nora and a cross dresser how to dance on a pole (he's actually quite good at it...), Nora was down to her thong, one of the dancers was fondling my boobs, everyone LOVED my absinthe cupcakes, and I almost fell asleep on one of the dance couches haha.

It was a great night. I have pics but the red and black lighting didn't do enough so everyone looks like blobs.

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